You're in the right place

High-quality, affordable care personalized for you, with plan options including $0 monthly premiums1

Get more than coverage

All Kaiser Permanente Medicare Advantage (HMO) plans include high-quality care designed to fit your needs

At Kaiser Permanente, the region’s leading health system,2 you’re part of a community of care that champions your health, supporting your well-being in innovative and impactful ways. In our integrated system, everything — health plan, doctors, pharmacists, medical facilities — is connected to one another, and to you. That helps us deliver care that’s personalized for your precise needs.
When we all work together in the interest of your health, we can achieve great things for your overall wellness.

Enjoy $0 monthly premiums with our Medicare Advantage Value (HMO and HMO-POS) plans

That’s right — $0 monthly premiums,1 with no hidden fees and predictable out-of-pocket expenses. Regardless of which plan you choose, you’ll enjoy no deductibles and a $0 copay for Tier 1 and Tier 2 mail-order preferred generics for a 31- to 90-day supply.3

Affordable Plan Options
Affordable Plan Options

We believe that one plan does not fit all—you deserve a choice. This is why we offer plans best suited to your needs, including plans with $0 monthly premiums.1

Find the right plan now

Intergated Care
Integrated System

In our integrated system of care, doctors, specialists, nurses, pharmacies, and health plan are all connected to each other via electronic health record, to customize care for each patient along their health journey.

Learn how our system personalizes your care

5-Star Care
Top-Rated Care

Our Medicare health plans are rated 4.5 out of 5 by the NCQA, the highest rating in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.4

Learn more about our top-rated care 

On-demand Access

Get care even when you can’t get “there.” In addition to traditional in-person visits, we provide you multiple, convenient ways to see your doctor(s) that don’t require you to leave your home.

Learn more about getting care on your terms

Healthy Extras
Healthy Extras

Our plans offer a variety of benefits and resources—at no additional charge—to help you be your healthiest, from health classes and coaching to guidance on life care planning.

See how we’ll make your Medicare health plan extra special

Thriving After 60

The point of being healthy is to live life to its fullest at any age. The Thriving After 60 (TA60) community hosts events dedicated to improving health and wellness—and having a good time in the process.

See how our plans can add more living to your life

Medicare is an important decision. Let us help.

Choosing a Medicare plan may feel hard, but it gets easier when you do your homework. We’re here to help. You can download our free5 Kaiser Permanente Guide to Medicare (there’s no obligation, and we won’t ask for your personal information), compare plans right on our site, and get guidance from our Kaiser Permanente Medicare specialists.

1 For our Medicare Advantage Value plans.

2 In the survey Best Health Insurance Companies of 2024 by, Kaiser Permanente as a national enterprise is rated #1 overall among 70+ competitors — for the fourth year in a row. In the NCQA Commercial Health Plan Ratings 2024, our commercial plan is rated 5 out of 5, the highest rating in the region. The 2022 Commission on Cancer, a program of the American College of Surgeons, granted Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation to the Kaiser Permanente cancer care program. Permanente doctors are recognized as Top Doctors in Washingtonian magazine (2024), Baltimore magazine (2024), Arlington Magazine (2024), Northern Virginia Magazine (2024), and Bethesda magazine (2023).

3 Some medications are not eligible for Mail Order Pharmacy. Mail Order Pharmacy can deliver to addresses in MD, VA, DC, and certain locations outside the service area.

NCQA Medicare Health Plan Ratings 2024.

5 Free with no obligation.

Concerned about affording coverage? We may be able to help.

Ready to learn more?

Set up a personal appointment

Connect with a licensed Kaiser Permanente Medicare specialist in your area, on your schedule. Simply complete the form (click or tap to open)​ and we’ll contact you to set up an appointment.

Attend a seminar

Find a seminar in your area to learn more about our Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plans.

Call to learn more

Call 1-855-357-5101, (TTY 711) to speak with a Kaiser Permanente Medicare specialist 7 days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. They will walk you through your options over the phone.
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After clicking “Let’s go” below, please enter your ZIP code, then click the “Search for plans” button, and then click on the plan you want to enroll in.

Best time to call

By completing this form, you are agreeing that a Kaiser Permanente sales representative may contact you to discuss Kaiser Permanente Medicare Advantage (HMO and HMO-POS) plan options for 2025. You are agreeing that a sales representative may contact you even if your telephone number or email address is on our Do Not Contact List.

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